
Text to speech with Amazon Polly

Amazon Polly is one of the prominent features of AWS where it converts text into life like speech. Currently, Polly supports a wide variety of languages including female and male voices. Polly can be integrated for applications such as newsreaders, games, eLearning platforms, accessibility applications for visually impaired people etc.

Static Web Hosting with a Custom Domain in AWS


AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Best Practices

Identity and Access Management is a global service that enables secure access for AWS resources.  Since this is a key service of AWS, they have provided a set of best practices to follow when using IAM. According to AWS documentation IAM best practices can be listed down as follows.

Automatic Release Notes For Releases

When doing a release, it is better to have release notes with the release as it contains a piece of detailed information regarding the release such as commits attached to the release. It’s a hassle to evaluate all the commits done after the last release and trying to figure out what kind of commits were done. Hence, it’s easy if we have a way to get automatic release notes. This article contains an automatic release note configuration in Github using the Gren tool.

Chef Deployment Tool

What is Chef? Chef is a configuration management and deployment tool based on Ruby language. The most favorable feature of Chef is that it can be integrated with any Cloud technology. In the field of DevOps Chef is used to deploy and manage servers and applications in-house and on the cloud. Let’s move on to the Chef architecture. In order to get an idea of Chef architecture, first it is needed to get an understand regarding the following key components of Chef. Recipe: Recipes contain information for a node to be run, create and change. This work as a collection of resources which determines the configuration of a node. Cookbook: A cookbook is a collection of recipes. These are uploaded to Chef server from the workstation. When Chef runs, cookbook ensures that the recipes inside it get a given infrastructure to the desired state as listed in the recipe. Knife: This is a command line tool which is used to interact with nodes or work with objects on the Chef server. ...

Probabilistic Data Structures 1

Probabilistic data structures are a group of data structures which are very much useful for big data and streaming applications because they consume a very little memory. These data structures do not provide an exact answer but provide a reasonable approximation for the answer.